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LJS Aviation Grow a Mo for Movember

This month LJS Aviation took part in Movember to raise money and awareness for Men’s health. Joe, Steve, Prince, Toby and Neil took the challenge of growing a Mo all in aid of a fantastic cause and let us tell you these were great Mo’s. Men’s health is a topic very close to our hearts and we wanted to raise awareness for our colleagues, friends, family and the other male figures in our lives. Therefore, we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take part.

Movember is a leading charity who are helping to fund men’s health projects, mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer, they’re “taking them all on”. These projects help change how health services support men and to help them live longer, healthier lives. Since 2003 with 30 Mo bros, the charity now has over 6 million Mo Bros and Mo sisters showing just have far they’ve come in recognising men’s health.

There are so many ways to raise money, whether it be growing a Mo, hosting a Mo-ment, running, walking or choosing your own challenge. You can help in so many ways.

We’ve loved taking part in Movember and to be part of a cause trying to make a difference. It is now time for our Mo Bros to remove their Mo’s but before we do, we can’t not show you what a fantastic job they did at growing one this month. Check out their pictures, and the reason they wanted to participate:

Joe – “We live in a world where people will nonchalantly use the phrase "Man Up" - this is not okay. Men need to know that they can talk about things and not be judged for it. If you are concerned about your health, it's okay to be scared. If you are struggling to get out of bed, it's okay to feel like that. It is okay, to not be okay. This is why I wanted to invest myself into Movember, to help spread the word, and to get people talking about Men's health.”

Toby “I wanted to take part to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, as well as mental health and suicide prevention. Men’s health is often overlooked (by men themselves in most cases). Also, to see if I could grow a tash! – which isn’t very significant”

Steve – “It’s ironic that looking extremely silly by sporting a rusty, gingery moustache can raise awareness for something as serious as men’s physical and mental health. It’s been a pleasure to take part in this year’s Movember with my fellow LJS bros and thank you to all that have donated!”

PrinceI am participating in Movember to support men like myself to tackle and speak up about their mental health because I strongly believe that there is no mind over matter. Mind is matter. You don't get over an illness by not talking about it. It isn't weak to ask for help. It isn't weak to want to survive and most importantly it isn't a character flaw to experience bad things.”

NeilI've been doing it for years and believe it's a fantastic cause. 28 men die a day but more than 78% can survive if they seek help early, it’s important that we raise awareness and encourage men to get the help they need.

So far, we have raised nearly £600, and we would like to say a massive thank you to every single person who sent us donations to help raise money for such a wonderful charity. If you’re ever struggling, please know that someone is out there to help and support you, you are not alone.

If you would like to donate, there is still time. Please visit our donation site here:

For further information about Movember, please click the link below to visit their page.



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